Friday, August 14, 2009

Universal Troubleshooting Technique

Troubleshooting is a divine technique where you need to identify the cause of issue and come out with desirable solution. A good troubleshooter must know his boundaries and should think outside the box. It is a matter of analyzing things with combination of good technical skills. One technique that I always practice in troubleshooting is Universal Troubleshooting Technique. This technique can make your troubleshooting easily because it deals with logical reasoning and exploding complex issue into simplest form. Universal Troubleshooting technique consist of the following steps:

1. Identifying problems.
2. Identifying solutions.
3. Limit your Liabilities.
4. Testing.
5. Follow up.

Identifying problems

On this step you need identify the real caused of issue and need get a clear picture on the things that happen to your device. Most troubleshooter follow the golden rule in identifying problems.


This rule will shorten your time exploding complex issue into simplest form. If we follow the DCDA rule we will deal first with the Device. If we test the device and found that it is physically functioning then we will go to the next field which is connection then Driver and then Application. On this way we can identify the real caused of issue easily without wasting our time.

Another way identifying problem is POST or Power ON self Test. POST is one of the most essential part of troubleshooting. This will help you identifying if the issue was cause by the device it self or by certain components that may affect its working condition such as application, connection, computer and other devices.

Identifying Solution

Identifying solution is an art of repairing and resolving issues. Solution should be logical and reasonable enough to resolve issues. I'm not saying that you should always stick your nose to the book. We don't want you to become a bookish troubleshooter. What we want is to become more competitive and more reliable technician. A good troubleshooter must know the logical troubleshooting steps. If we take a look back on DCDA rule, DCDA is one best example of a logical troubleshooting. It follows the step by step troubleshooting approach that leads you to resolve issue at less time. Another example of logical troubleshooting step is Modular Technique. Modular technique is a troubleshooting approach that deals with issue in a manner of module by module or branch by branch. DCDA and Modular technique are similar on many ways because both of them always deals with issue stage by stage, step by step, module by module, branch by branch until the issue will resolve.


When you try print from your computer your printer is not responding. On this issue, what do you think will the best approach to start with? It is better if we start first with the printer. Identify first if your printer is working physically or not. if it is working then we go to the next step which connection. If no problem with connection, go to driver then application.

Limit your Liabilities

As troubleshooter we don't need to extend our liabilities - if the issue is more on application focus on application then resolve the issue one at a time. Extending your liabilities will waste your time and sometimes can cause more serious problem. Focus only on the current issue that you need to resolve. If there is another issue that occurred unexpectedly deal with it logically.


On this step, you will identify if the Troubleshooting approach that you have tried is effective or not. If you test your product and it works - congratulation you resolved the issue. If not then better come up with another solution. If you feel that you already exhausted all the troubleshooting steps that you know - take a break, we are not god, there are still tomorrow. Rest and think for a better solution or analyze more and seek advice from experts.

Follow up

Troubleshooting will not end after you resolved the issue. Sometimes, there is another issue that may occur or the same issue may appear again. Always remember that prevention is better than cure. Maintain your device well and it will prolong its life.

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